10156 SW Trapper Terrace
Beaverton, Oregon 97008
Phone: +1-503-572-3179
Email: gturner@unzane.com
URL: https://www.unzane.com/~gturner/
Jabber: gturner@jabber.unzane.com
Seeking lead design or architectural role in enterprise systems development. Offering over 12 years of programming experience spanning diverse fields such as telecommunications, warehouse automation, and retail.
Senior Software Engineer E5
XO Interactive
(Beaverton, Oregon)
February 2006-Present
Development of HVOD platform, executes over 1,000,000 calls per hour divided among clusters of over 100 JBoss servers. Trained many IVR programmers during conversion from proprietary technolgies to Java and VoiceXML. Technologies used: SIP (NIST JAIN-SIP), VoIP, VoiceXML (Pactolus, VoiceGenie), Java, SOAP (JAX-WS), JMS, EJB, Sybase, MySQL, JUnit, SNMP (Cacti).
Senior Software Engineer
(Portland, Oregon)
December 2005-January 2006
Short-term contract for the development of an XML-based product catalog for HP and resellers. Technologies used: Java, Systinet (Web Service container), Berkeley DB XML (XML Native Database), XSLT, SOAP, Xerces XML Schema parsing API, MySQL, JUnit.
Senior Software Engineer
New Edge Networks, Inc.
(Vancouver, Washington)
October 2002-October 2005
Role of architect and lead programmer of several development projects listed below.
Lead Programmer
(Portland, Oregon)
January 2001-July 2001
Developed an Enterprise Java shopping mall type web site using many of the J2EE APIs including EJB, Servlets, JSP with custom Tag Libraries, and XML. This site contained a modular front-end for varying the look and feel among different vendors, a pluggable back-end for the B2B exchange of orders to multiple distributors, and the ability to handle complex pricing and shipping structures comparable to Yahoo! Shopping. Managed a team of three junior Java programmers as well as HTML and Flash designers through a CVS repository. Other tasks included completing, maintaining, and security auditing existing web sites using Perl as well as administrating Solaris, Linux, Windows, and Apple OS X servers and workstations.
Senior Software Engineer IV
New Edge Networks, Inc.
(Vancouver, Washington)
February 2000-January 2001
Architected enterprise systems for a telecommunications company using tools such as Java, CORBA, and UML. Worked with a large team of developers on a multitude of middleware and n-Tier projects integrated together to encapsulate the complex and lengthly business process of ordering, provisioning, and maintaining nationwide network circuits. Projects included: Developing middleware adapters for Kabira ObjectSwitch using C++ and a proprietary modeling language; Automated B2B exchanges with upstream ILECs (e.g. US West), downstream ISPs, and parallel Data CLEC business partners (e.g. Covad) with the use of XML gateways; Integration with NMS and CRM packages; Intranet and extranet applications. Acted as liaison for DSL Forum Working Group proposing XML standards.
Audio Visual Headquarters
Development of a labor management package. Linux, SQL, Java, EJB, JServ, JSP, XML
Positive Developments, Inc.
Development of a web site with ordering and database maintenance facilities. SQL, IIS, Visual Basic, and ASP.
MyNetMedia.com, Inc.
Development of a cross-platform (Win32, Mac, Linux) compressed audio (MP3, RealAudio) to CD-Recordable application. Demo version of the application is available on MyNetMedia's web site. Visual C++, MFC, ATL, and COM.
Information System Solution
Partnership in which I worked for the above three customers. Internet hosting as well.
Hudd Distribution Services, Inc.
(Downey, California)
Drayage & Yard Management System. Database applications and network programming for an ocean freight distribution company. Windows NT, Debian GNU/Linux, SQL, C, Delphi, Visual Basic, various xBase languages (FoxPro, Clipper).
Barr Lumber
(Los Alamitos, California)
Database applications and network administration for a twelve-facility retail chain. Novell NetWare, SCO OpenServer, various xBase languages (FoxPro, dBase, Clipper).
Last modified 29 January 2008.
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